Ayurvedic Life Style Drugs Promise Blissful Life


  • Mayank Dimri SBS University Balawala, Dehradun-248161 (Uttarakhand), India
  • Luv Kush SBS University Balawala, Dehradun-248161 (Uttarakhand), India




Ayurveda, Life style drugs, Polyhebral formulation, Tridosa


Holistic health concept of ayurveda formulated polyactive pharmacons of life style drugs for regenerating the natural physicological order. They eradicate disorders caused by addictive and subjective life styles of poor quality.



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Author Biographies

Mayank Dimri, SBS University Balawala, Dehradun-248161 (Uttarakhand), India

SBS University Balawala, Dehradun-248161 (Uttarakhand), India

Luv Kush, SBS University Balawala, Dehradun-248161 (Uttarakhand), India

SBS University Balawala, Dehradun-248161 (Uttarakhand), India


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How to Cite

Dimri, M., & Kush, L. (2020). Ayurvedic Life Style Drugs Promise Blissful Life. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 8(2), 88–89. https://doi.org/10.22270/ajprd.v8i2.668