A Review on Moringa Olifera Effervescent Tablet


  • Rahul Arote Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra
  • Dr. Prashant Malpure Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra
  • Dr. Gokul Talele Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra
  • Janhavi Chaudhary Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra
  • Rahul Chaudhary Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra
  • Prasad Dhamane Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra




The D-optimal mix design was utilized in the new product development process of the Moringa oleifera effervescent tablet to optimize the acid-base ratio in the recipe. The antioxidant activity and chemical profile of the Moringa oleifera extract were assessed. Measurements were made on the physicochemical and sensory properties of the effervescent Moringa oleifera tablet. Because moringa leaves, which are a component of the Moringa Oleifera plant, have a high antioxidant content, they help the body fight off free radicals. Additionally, the contents of the leaves may be turned into effervescent granules, a functional drink. The kind and proportion of the effervescent agent have a significant impact on the granule's physical properties, stability, and acceptability. Because they both offer a texture and mouthfeel that is acceptable, sodium bicarbonate and citric acid were employed as the effervescent agents in this investigation. Three formulations (designated as F1, F2, and F3) with varying ratios of citric acid to sodium bicarbonate were chosen. The wet granulation process was used to create these formulations. The three formulations' effervescent granules demonstrated good particle size distribution and flow capabilities. Furthermore, an extract from Moringa oleifera displayed IC50 values of 320µg/ml. Acceptability-wise, all of the recipes had a somewhat bitter taste, which could be attributed to the extract's tannins and phenolic components. Addition of flavoring agents, such as lemon and strawberry, is unable to mask the bitter taste of the final tablet. Here in, the first Moringa leaves effervescent tablet prepared using wet granulation was successfully formulated.



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Author Biographies

Rahul Arote, Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra

Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra

Dr. Prashant Malpure, Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra

Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra

Dr. Gokul Talele, Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra

Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra

Janhavi Chaudhary, Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra

Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra

Rahul Chaudhary, Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra

Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra

Prasad Dhamane, Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra

Matoshri College of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Near Odhagaon Aurangabad Highway, Nashik, Maharashtra


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How to Cite

Rahul Arote, Dr. Prashant Malpure, Dr. Gokul Talele, Janhavi Chaudhary, Rahul Chaudhary, & Prasad Dhamane. (2024). A Review on Moringa Olifera Effervescent Tablet. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 12(6), 168–171. https://doi.org/10.22270/ajprd.v12i6.1489